Sussy Platformer Iteration 3

Hello, welcome to the third iteration of Sussy Platform. In this iteration, there are a lot more features in this game compared to Iteration 2.

First, there is actual level design now. I redesigned the level with the Unity tile map system. The level is not fully complete yet but its a lot more longer then the last iteration. The imposter enemies now can move. If they bump into the wall like in the little pit part of the level, they will flip back to walking the other way.

You can hold your space key and it will jump again if you hit the ground and keep holding the space key. This makes jumping a lot easier then how it was last time.

There is also now a life system. You have 5 lives and either the enemies or falling off into the void can kill you. Each time you die, the score and coins you have collected are saved between respawns but if you lose all your lives, your score and coins get reset.

Files 8.6 MB
Jan 20, 2023

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