Sussy Platformer Iteration 4

Hello, welcome to the forth iteration of Sussy Platformer. In this iteration, Sussy Platformer actually has an ending now.

First, I expanded the level and added an ending flag pole to it. There is a Game Over screen when you lose all your lives that shows your Score and Coin count and that lets you restart or go to the main menu.

When you win, the flag poll has an imposter on the top that will slide down to the bottom and send you to the Win screen that shows your Score and Coin count and that has a High Score count. Your High Score gets saved when you win the game and it will change if you get a higher score then your current High Score.

There is also a Pause Menu. When you press P, a menu will pop up that will pause the game and let you resume the game or go to the main menu.

I also added a Main Menu to the game so the game just doesn’t start immediately at the first level.


  • Switch to the new Unity Input System
  • Add a Pause Menu
  • You can win the game now and have a high score
  • Add a Game Over screen
  • Add a Skybox background
  • Add a Main Menu

Files 10 MB
Jan 25, 2023

Get Sussy Platformer

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